The miracles are beginning to come 10/29/09
Partly cloudy, cold, not much snow, morning fog
Ice everywhere High 10 F / Low 5F

Sister Calderwood, a relatively new missionary who arrived on the 19th of August (second from the right in the second row) today reported the following Miracle in Tomsk in the mission email.
Each Tuesday and Thursday the missionaries conduct an English Club meeting where interested people can come and practice speaking their English with native Americans. After the club meeting on Tuesday a woman named Lubov came up to Sister Caulderwood with this story that she writes to us:
I had given the spiritual thought about the Plan of Salvation at the end of Tuesday's English Club. After the end of the meeting, a woman who had been sitting over on the side came up to me very intently and I could see that she was dying to know more about the church. I got her phone number and I did my best to talk to her in Russian, promising that we would call and make an appointment. We went home and called her the next morning but the number was incorrect and we were very disappointed that we could not meet with her.
On Thursday, she came again to English and a
fterward she came up to my companion, Sister Bistrova, in an excited fluster, explaining how on Tuesday night she had had a dream about our church and in it she had seen a book that she had never seen before, but in her dream she knew somehow that it was the word of God. When Elder Nelson held up the Book of Mormon as he gave his spiritual thought on Thursday and she recognized it as THAT book that she had seen in her dream.
As we met twice with her later, she shared her search for truth. As we all watched the DVD on the Restoration she was almost in tears the whole time. It was clear that there were many events in her life that had pointed her to this moment. She was prepared of God, no doubt or question. She has been prepared in every aspect of the gospel and it really is a miracle. We were able to meet with her twice, but she actually lives 4 days away by train in a town 300 km from Ulan Ude, but wants to move to Tomsk. Lubov is truly one of those miracles that have been promised."
What a miracle. What a country.
Partly cloudy, cold, not much snow, morning fog
Ice everywhere High 10 F / Low 5F
Sister Calderwood, a relatively new missionary who arrived on the 19th of August (second from the right in the second row) today reported the following Miracle in Tomsk in the mission email.
Each Tuesday and Thursday the missionaries conduct an English Club meeting where interested people can come and practice speaking their English with native Americans. After the club meeting on Tuesday a woman named Lubov came up to Sister Caulderwood with this story that she writes to us:
I had given the spiritual thought about the Plan of Salvation at the end of Tuesday's English Club. After the end of the meeting, a woman who had been sitting over on the side came up to me very intently and I could see that she was dying to know more about the church. I got her phone number and I did my best to talk to her in Russian, promising that we would call and make an appointment. We went home and called her the next morning but the number was incorrect and we were very disappointed that we could not meet with her.
On Thursday, she came again to English and a

As we met twice with her later, she shared her search for truth. As we all watched the DVD on the Restoration she was almost in tears the whole time. It was clear that there were many events in her life that had pointed her to this moment. She was prepared of God, no doubt or question. She has been prepared in every aspect of the gospel and it really is a miracle. We were able to meet with her twice, but she actually lives 4 days away by train in a town 300 km from Ulan Ude, but wants to move to Tomsk. Lubov is truly one of those miracles that have been promised."
What a miracle. What a country.
I love miracles! They are all around us, in many forms, if we just look for them, and help them along.
Wow!!!! This is an incredible experience. What a miracle. It reminds me that God is in charge and cares deeply about us. What a wonderful dream & wonderful spirit.
I happened upon this blog when searching for any info on the mission I served in and loved and realized you know my family. A few months ago my aunt, Lucille Ibey of Sacramento mentioned she knew a couple serving in my mission. I wish you the best of luck there. Isnt it just amazing. I served in Tomsk and Ulan Ude in 2003-2003 but my heart is still there!
Stephanie Ibey Itri
I'm so glad to have found your blog!
I think my nephew Landon Potter is one of the missionaries in this picture?
Please tell him his Aunt Christy and Uncle Jon send their love. We are so thankful for the example he is to our family.
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