Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Weather report: Rain all day

Weather report: Rain all day
Current Temp at 11:10 pm is 13.8 c (That's about 56 F)
Personal Condition:
I'm waiting for Cindy to come and read scriptures. She told me she was ready at 10:32 and I have been doing things to keep awake while she finishes her emails. I have mixed a pitcher of powdered milk, read my three direct emails and her 6 she forwarded to me, ironed my last shirt, and written this blog.

Stuff around here:
The telephone company left a recorded message on our phone last week telling us not to forget to pay the phone bill or our phone will be cut off AGAIN. We got another call tonight and I could only understand "telephone" and Siberian Bank. I think it is another reminder about the bill. Looks like we are going to have our phone cut off again for a time. This lady (landlord) is a nice person I'm sure, but she's got too much on her plate.

Cindy's ready and I'm gone.

Oops, she just got another email. This is going to be a long night.

What a woman.



Trisha said...

I can see that nothing has changed. I love it.

Scott said...

I must agree with Trish nothing has changed